Life is like a dandelion, not want to stay, but not from the body!" Listen to a song, read a person, a person, a thing. In retrospect, time flies and things have changed. Listener 2: "Time sows the seed of memory, buried in the heart, spawns the fruit of life, which is sweet and bitter. Spell a spring, summer, autumn and winter! Win a life without regret!" Capable people, not on the emotional dispute, only in the work seriously Impotent man! Do not work seriously, only in the emotional dispute. Every day is easy without struggle, but every year gets harder and harder. What is struggle? The struggle is hard every day, but it gets easier every year. If you are a Wolf, you need good teeth if you are a sheep, you need good legs. Listener 1: Better die on the road than idle at home! Better go to the wall than to the wall. Some Great Reviews About Tong Hua Huan Mie 童话幻灭 就 算 是 伤 害 也 瞒 天 过 海 Even the damage is hidden Jiù suàn shì shāng hài yě mán tiān guò hǎi 目 送 着 离 开 注 定 回 不 来 Seeing you leave is not destined to come back 却 刻 进 脑 海 不 让 人 去 猜 But it's engraved in my mind so that no one can guess 我 努 力 释 怀 回 忆 的 挚 爱 I try to let go of my beloved memories 板 着 脸 孔 话 很 冲 The words were very blunt with a straight face 我 陷 在 黑 黑 无 底 洞 I'm stuck in a dark, bottomless pit 我 没 搞 懂 也 没 种 I don't understand and I don't know 霎 那 间 童 话 幻 灭 Then the fairy tale vanished 落 笔 时 满 天 枫 叶 Maple leaves fill the sky when I write 这 故 事 就 要 完 结 The story is coming to an end 陪 你 看 过 那 场 雪 Accompany you to see the snow

你 开 始 悲 伤 哽 咽 You start to choke with grief Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics: See a translation.Tong Hua Huan Mie 童话幻灭 Lost Good Things Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Jiang Jia Ju 蒋家驹 “wa ai le”(哇愛哩) also means I love you, but it is in Taiwanese. “wo ai ni”(我愛你) means I love you in Chinese. To say this in Cantonese, you would say “ngo ngoi ney”. To say “I love you” in Mandarin, you would say “Wo ai ni”. I love you in Chinese is Wo Ai Ni 我爱你 How do you say Wo Ai Ni in Cantonese? It is a Chinese word “wo ai ni” which means “i love you” in English. Each tone has a distinctive pitch contour which can be graphed using the Chinese 5-level system. Mandarin is said to have four main tones and one neutral tone (or, as some say, five tones). In order to differentiate meaning, the same syllable can be pronounced with different tones. And the language the Chinese officials spoke became “Mandarin,” which is how the English name for the language more than 1 billion people in China speak still comes from Portuguese. The Ming dynasty officials wore yellow robes, which may be why “mandarin” came to mean a type of citrus. What are the 4 tonal marks in Chinese pinyin?.